The Articles of Incorporation for the Upper Carmen Public Charter School were filed with the Secretary of the State of Idaho in December 3, 2004. At this time, the Upper Carmen Public Charter School Board of Directors was appointed. This board of volunteers was founded to oversee the general health and financial stability of our school.  Our board is also charged with ensuring that our community be informed of the needs, purpose, values and status of the Upper Carmen Public Charter School.


Trish Williams ~ Board Chairperson

Jim Smith

Brian Keller

Anne Schwartz


Mission:  Upper Carmen Charter School’s mission is to develop each student to their greatest potential academically, socially and emotionally. Successful students emulate ethics of confidence, productivity and responsibility. A foundation of success in the Kindergarten through eighth grades sets the course for continued growth.

Vision:  Upper Carmen Charter will provide a safe learning/teaching environment for all students. All students will be appreciated for their talents and abilities as each has skills to offer to the class. Social skills acquired in this learning family, will establish a gateway to responsible citizens at home and in their communities.

Strategic Direction 1:  We will ensure increased achievement in our school.
                Goal 1.1  Maintain academic rigor for all students.
                Goal 1.2  Continue to strive for excellence

Strategic Direction 2:  We will align professional development offerings to increase student achievement.
                Goal 2.1 Continue our professional development program, and advanced education.

Strategic Direction 3:  We will communicate with and engage students, parents, staff and community.
                Goal 3.1  Conduct our yearly survey
                Goal 3.2  Support our parent group, and our parent volunteers
                Goal 3.3  Continue our monthly news letters

Strategic Direction 4:  We will be accountable to our community.
                Goal 4.1  Provide students a safe, appropriate physical learning environment.
                Goal 4.2  Continue to improve efficiency and safety issues.
                Goal 4.3  Continue to maintain and improve our technology services.
                Goal 4.4  Provide accurate, timely and balanced budgets

Strategic Direction 5:  We will continue to maintain our school culture of high academic standards, in our rural/agricultural setting.
                Goal 5.1  Continue to build harmony and improve relations between and among students, staff, parents and community.